
Rising Sun Films Pty. Ltd.



Sorry we have to do this, but I'm sure you understand that because of not so scrupulous operators out there, we have to impose this on everyone who enters our Site.

Part I : Intellectual Property (IP) & Copyright

All visitors to this site are to exercise care not to infringe IP rights or Copyright. The IP and Copyright of all material available on this site is owned by RISING SUN FILMS Pty Ltd (RSF) and Others. This material may only be used in the manner described in this warning. Trademarks used on this site to describe firms and their products or the Trademarks of those firms or the registered proprietor of the Trademark.


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Part II: Disclaimer

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Part IV: RSF Interactive Service, IRC or Forum

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Part VI: Choice of Law

    This Site, the provision of RSF material to you and your rights are:

  1. Governed by the Laws of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia.
  2. Not governed by the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

© RSF 2004

Copyright and TM 1998 Rising Sun Films Pty Ltd All rights are reserved. All materials and information provided on this site, including but not limited to images, illustrations, maps, audio and video clips (collectively the "materials" or "information") are protected by copyrights owned or controlled by RSF Pty Ltd. These materials are only for personal and non-commercial use. UNAUTHORISED COPYING, REPRODUCTION, REPUBLISHING, UPLOADING, DOWNLOADING, POSTING, TRANSMITTING OR DUPLICATING OF ANY MATERIAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Copyright © Rising Sun Films Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Copyright and TM 2004 Rising Sun Films Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. All information and materials on this site, including but not limited to images, illustrations, maps, audio clips, and video clips (collectively the "information" and "material/s") are protected by RSF Pty Ltd. These materials are only for personal and non-commercial use. UNAUTHORISED COPYING, REPRODUCTION, REPUBLISHING, UPLOADING, POSTING, TRANSMITTING OR DUPLICATING OF ANY MATERIAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Copyright © Rising Sun Films Pty Ltd 2004

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